Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hello Students,

The maps are out in the Reynolds Lab. I will be here until 12:30 to answer questions. I have a commitment from 1-3 today so if you have questions for me get here soon.

Best of luck,

Monday, May 9, 2016

Hello Students,

We had another long day of review session today. I am attaching a photo of some of the students below who are here currently studying. I realize that tomorrow is a quiz day for some of you. I will be in sometime around lunch for any last minute questions. I will place maps in the Reynolds lab for students to review. Send me an email with specific questions if you have them.  I highly recommend studying the maps and the review study guide. Best of luck studying.

Hello Students,

The review for the final exam is happening today. So far only 1 student has shown up to study the maps and work on the study guide. Dr. Siewers will be using the lab from 1-3, during which time the maps will be downstairs in the Reynolds lab. If you plan to arrive around that time then head downstairs. The lab will be open again for your studying at 3pm today. Please realize that I have been here all morning and will likely be here until 5, however I may have to leave early. If you plan to come in and study today and want to ask me questions or show me your models, then please do so before 4pm or email me.

Best of luck studying,

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hello Students
      This is a reminder that we have another review session planned for Monday. Here is a photo from Friday's review session. As you can see in the photo we are working on a study guide for the final exam with the types of maps that will be included on the final. I will be in EST all day on Monday so email me if you plan to be around. If I am not in my office then check the lab or send me an email. Best of luck studying for the final exam. 


(Remember that I am checking the final homework (structure models) individually so I need to see you all before the final. Email me with questions.)

Friday, May 6, 2016

Hello Students,

I am currently in the lab with a study guide and maps for you all to practice with. I will be here until 3 p.m. Stop by to study, show me your homework, ask questions, or finish up your homework. If you stop my office and I am not there then make sure to check upstairs in the lab.

Happy Studying,


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hello Students,

I am available to meet with you today until 5PM. I will be in my office on the third floor or upstairs in the main classroom. I will be in tomorrow from 9am until 3pm and can meet with anyone who wants too. I will also be available on Monday from 9am to 5pm. Email with a time and I will meet you upstairs.

Best of luck studying,
