Wednesday, March 30, 2016

This post is just for fun! Here are some fun geology related photos!

These are some of the photos taken from my time as a graduate student here at WKU. The Illinois Basin contains many wonderful rock formations and natural play areas so get out and explore! Let me know if you have any questions. 
Congratulations on finishing the rock quiz! I know many of you worked hard preparing.

This week you will begin to understand sequence of events diagrams in geologic time. In order to help you with these efforts I am including links to the following websites.

USGS Geologic Time
Sequence of events diagram
Be sure to learn your geologic time scale! Very important!

Here is a sample sequence of events diagram, similar to the one that will be on the next quiz... be sure to practice identifying relative age on this diagrams.

Let me know if you have any questions... T