Monday, February 15, 2016

Hello 113 Students,

I hope you all are enjoying the snow day and gearing up for your mineral quiz next week. If you did not see the videos on minerals I posted from youtube check out the last post. Today I want to post a lecture regarding igneous rocks. Remember that all rocks are composed of different types of minerals, and this is why learning the minerals will help you in studying for igneous rocks. Here is a lecture on igneous rocks that should prepare you for class tomorrow.

Igneous Rock Lecture

Here is an explanation of classification schemes for igneous rocks

Classification of Igneous rocks

See you tomorrow or Wednesday...

Friday, February 12, 2016

Hello 113 Students,

Several students asked me to post about the difference between fracture and cleavage so I am going to link a few videos below.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5

I hope you find something here that is helpful. Remember to practice! The only way to become an expert at mineral ID is to look at minerals over and over. Please email me with questions at or come by my office on the third floor of EST room 323.

Your quiz will be worth 100 points and ask for three physical properties and name of mineral.

Best of luck studying!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hello All,

Here is another great website to help you in your goal of learning the minerals.


Hope this helps.

Please email or reply here with questions if you have them!

Remember that you will need to spend time looking at the minerals to learn them.